CCHR celebrated its 46th Anniversary and Human Rights Awards Banquet on February 28th, honoring courageous individuals who refused to sit idly by in the face of mental health abuses.
Award winners included:
• Douglas Kennedy, a national TV news correspondent for 18 years. With more than 25 exposés spanning the last 13 years, he is the only national TV news journalist to ever expose the link between psychiatric drugs and mass school and military shootings.
• Stephen Sheller, a renowned attorney known as the “scourge of the pharmaceutical industry” for his successful multi-billion dollar lawsuits against psychiatric drugmakers.
• Sasha Knezev, whose film, American Addict, exposed the risks of psychiatric drugs and was one of the most watched documentaries on Netflix.
CCHR also announced the launch of their foster kids campaign that night. Since then California Assemblyman Mike Gipson has submitted language, amending existing legislation, providing for specific protections from psychiatric/medication abuse of children under state care.
Click here to read the article in full.
Prevent the Dangerous Psychotropic Drugging of California’s Foster Youth
If you haven’t already, please sign and share CCHR’s petition for California policymakers to take immediate actions to protect foster youth.
Click here to read and sign the petition.
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